It´s Your Turn Now – Embrace It!

Elegant colors for an elegant lady
For over 30 years now, I have been watching and wondering why all around me, masses of people are trying to copy the so-called beautiful people and doing their best to look like them at any cost, almost as if they were blind folded.

Somehow we have been led to believe that the more shocking and shiny we look, the better we look. Could the reason be that so many people have been put down and let down by too many people and the only way to strike back, is to overdo everything about  your appearance,  by trying to be someone we are not?

The screaming method is well known by everyone because children all over the world have always used it to get what they want. The louder you scream, the more attention you get. Sometimes this works very well and at other times not. When this method has been used for too long, no one bothers to pay any attention to the screamer any more. Therefore, they have to scream even louder and everyone knows what that leads to. Nothing  good.

As I see it, this sort of behavior has been going on for so many years that now we have come to a point, where many of us know that something has to give. This something is the fact that we are all valuable and beautiful in our own skin and we deserve to be appreciated in the same way as all the celebrities and beautiful people out there. We need to be happy in our own skin.

If we are always trying to be and do what everyone else is doing, this tells me that you are not listening or looking at who you really are yourself. Why is that? Has someone told you that you are not as valuable as the next person or that you are not as good looking as someone else or are you not being treated in a way you should be treated?

My advice to you is: STOP listening to comments that are not building your own self esteem. You should really be listening and looking inwards, looking in the mirror and being happy with what you see and to make better friends with yourself. You will find that there is a super person inside you, who can look like a million dollars, if you just let it happen.

If you are not sure about what I am saying, think about all the trees and the forest. Every tree looks different and it is beautiful. You don´t judge trees and flowers or compare roses to dandy lions and tell them to change color or shape, so that they could look more attractive! To say that sounds very peculiar, don´t you think? So, why are you trying to disguise your best qualities to be something else?

Why are we using colors that don´t match our own beautiful personal coloring? I think we have come to a point, where this must change, because if we continue behaving in the same way as we have always done, we are robbing ourselves of our best qualities and what is naturally ours. We should be embracing what we have. We should embrace what was given to us by our parents when we were born. Be happy with what you have. You will be more in balance and happy when you support yourself. I know this is true, because it happened to me a long time ago.

If everyone looks the same and wears all the same things, the end result is very boring. There is no need to compete and just use the same old, same old. Like when so many people today think they look fantastic if they just put on black. This is something we have been led to believe and that is not correct. People with deep coloring, one way or another, do look great wearing black. All the others don´t. It is the law of nature. That is how colors work. There are other dark colors that all the other people look wonderful in, but those colors are colors that look dark against their own coloring without overpowering them. If colors stand out more than you do, as a person, then it is a good idea to fix the shade and intensity of the color you are wearing, unless you want to focus on your clothes, instead of yourself.

The funny thing I have noticed over these years is that when people find their own colors and start using them, they are not only more beautiful, they are also more happy and content. They have a better self-esteem knowing that they are looking harmonious. Somehow it also touches us internally and gives us an inner glow, which can be seen by other people. When our colors resonate with our own personal coloring, we are more harmonious in many ways and that feels good on the inside as well as outside. The good thing is that colors are free, unlike so many other things in this world. 

You too, can always look your best, where ever you go and whatever you do. Start out by checking out the Smart Shopping Guide I have made for you and if you like that, you can find out more from my pages and start out on a new journey, which can last for a lifetime. Now is the best time to start, since we are at the very beginning of a new and exciting year 2019! Make this year your own!
