About color

Color is everywhere. Color sets the stage for people and animals. It is not just a question of liking colors because we really are influenced by colors all year around 24 hours a day whether we like it or not. Nature is a huge part of our well being and today we are starting to realize it more and more. I have had a very close relationship with colors for over 30 years. The first 10 years, when I studied and worked with color practically on a daily basis 7 days a week, 24 hours a day because I found it so intriguing. I was so happy to know that it is actually possible to learn all the things that many artists know about color instinctively. It was mind blowing to meet with and listen to the founders of this new way of categorizing people in such a way that they would be able to pick colors that made them look either beautiful or just the opposite. When I found this out, many of my questions were answered as far as why someone looks great in one color and when someone else puts the same piece of clothing on, they don´t look good at all. On top of that, it was not just about clothes – but about everything: make-up, fashion, hair color, interiors, cars – EVERYTHING!
In my book, I have made it simple for everyone to learn what to look for when shopping and what to stay away from. There actually is much more to the simplicity given there. It is good to know where to start from because when we learn the very basics, it is easier to grow your information for your benefit.
The good part about it all is that everyone can wear all colors and look beautiful when using the same shade and intensity that matches their own shade and intensity in color.
I wish you luck and happiness on your new color journey!

The Munsell Color Sysem, showing a circle of hues at value 5, chroma 6, the neutral values from 0 to 10 and the chromas of purple-blue (5PB) at value 5 (Wikipedia)
