Find your own color journey

I hope you have your own copy of my book now, because you will be using it for reference for a long time. When you see that there are only 6 different color pies, you will probably think that those are not enough for you. You are right. They are not. They simply represent the thousands of colors that love you back. Each color pie represents all the shades and intensities of color that would be in your interest to get to know better. Start out small. Pick out one or two colors that you like, and go from there. Start being critical of colors and compare them. Compare the colors you have in your closet. Do they mix and match well? Do you use each and every piece of clothing you own? Would you like to know what to look for when shopping? Would you like to save money and look good without spending too much? Most people would and it certainly is possible. We just have to keep to what we know. Colors have a mind of their own. We just have to find out what it is that each color does. Does it bring harmony into the picture or does it bring chaos? What do we want? Harmony or chaos? There is a place for both. It is up to us to decide in which kind of world we live in… also colorwise!

The lady on the left looks great in CLEAR colors whereas the lady on the right is best in WARM colors.
