When did we stop hearing colors?

Yes. Hearing colors. 

photo: pixaby

Do you pay attention to your colors? Do you care about the colors you wear and know that they have an effect on your everyday life? Keep reading, if you haven´t given much thought to it. I am going to tell you something interesting that could change your life for the better.

30 years ago I first trained in London, England, to be a color consultant and worked in the business 24/7 for 10 years. In those years, I became aware of color in many ways. It became obvious to me that there is actually a system to this world, when it comes to colors. For some reason, many people are no longer sensitive to color, or to the power of what colors do at all times, even though we are not noticing or listening. 

I don´t remember, when exactly I first started to hear a sort of a click when colors “snapped hold” of each other when they were put together in a harmonious way. This kept on happening more and more and it was very bewildering to me that I could have analyzed people with my color drapes even without looking, because I could hear the clicking when there was harmony between the colors that were put together. Very strange, I thought, but never told anyone. Why would I? No one would have believed me. Would you have? Of course not!

There is more to the story

It is nice that people look good in their best colors, but there is more to the story. Much more. Having spent much time in the countryside during the past years, I have had plenty of time to think of how colors are being used today. Mother Nature doesn´t make mistakes and that can be seen in the fields, forests, animals and sea. In cities, however, it is completely the opposite. So many people are black clones of each other, no matter what colors they were born with. People in grey and black cities with bright screaming lights make people behave as if they didn´t have a mind of their own, buying what is told, without consideration of how they themselves fit into the picture. Believing what colors they should be using without finding out for themselves, what works with the coloring Mother Nature gave them. We often see people using colors exactly opposite to theirs own colors. Instead of embracing our own colors, we look for something different. Why is that? Is it something we have learned to do? We should be using similar colors as our own colors, because colors play a much bigger role in our wellbeing, than we can imagine. I´m sure of it. People have a special glow about them when their colors are in harmony. 

It is not just about our outside appearance. We get our color from the genes of our ancestors and they go back a long time putting a personal stamp on each of us. That is good, and it should be recognized. Recognizing and using our own personal coloring in what we wear and the surroundings we live in, I believe, is one of the keys to our wellbeing. Inside and outside. People are part of this world, and we benefit from blending into the rest of the world, instead of fighting it by trying to look like something we are not.

“We get our color from our genes!”

The time feels right at the moment, to talk about the power of colors. I am confident that there are other people who can relate to this as well. Last week I saw this great video, where they had different colors of crystals mixed up in buckets. They poured all these buckets of crystals into one hole at the top of a machine. There were several holes at the bottom of the machine and the different colors of crystals came out of the different holes: all red crystals came out of one hole, all blue crystals came out of one hole, all green crystals came out of one hole and so on. This was because each color was programmed to resonate with the wave length of the color. As a result each color came out of a different hole in the machine, i.e. red resonates differently than green or blue and so on. The answer to this extraordinary feat was the fact, that colors are wave lengths, and therefore, they react differently.  This was the first time I saw something like this happen and it really hit a chord with me!

“This was because each color was programmed to resonate with the wave length of the color.”

Years ago, when I finally had the courage to tell someone that I was hearing colors, I learned about colors being wave lengths, like music. So, evidently it can happen. What a relief for me! Also someone told me that it has been quite a common skill a very long time ago, but that the capability of hearing colors has disappeared, like so many other things in the world.
It is uncomfortable for me to wear colors, that are not in harmony with my own coloring. It was always easy for me to stick to my colors, after I had first learned about how colors work and had worked with so many people for so many years. The clicking came after many years of working with colors. 

Actually, it is very logical, I think. When harmonious music is played, it soothes and calms you. When loud, tearing music is played, it gets your blood pumping. When colors are in harmony, we just know that they are in harmony and can say that we feel good about them. When they are not, we can also see and feel it. The effect is not as evident with colors, as it is with music, but it is there.
Working with people and colors on a daily basis for so many years made me look at the world from a different point of view. Customers would often see how the colors that complimented their own colors, made such a difference in their appearance. Their skin, hair and eyes came alive like never before. It also affected their posture immediately. New energy came to them from the inside and they loved it. They actually got a boost of confidence from pieces of cloth!

Not only clothing

Everyone enjoys beautiful scenery, where colors are working in harmony. Nature heals. We all know this. If we only helped our bodies, by putting on colors that enhance us, instead of making them hurt with inappropriate colors. It seems to me that colors work at a deeper level quietly. I believe, we are being marinated in color and the end result of the marinating can be seen and felt. If you don´t believe me, try it out for yourself. Get dressed in a color that you don´t like and write down, how it makes you feel. Then do the same with a color you love and write that down. People, who are sensitive to color and surroundings, will feel the difference.  Others can practice and learn,  if they don´t feel anything at first.

“We are being marinated in color and the end result of the marinating can be seen and felt.”

The way of categorizing colors has stuck with me throughout the years. After all this time, however, the world does not look as beautiful as I thought it would have by now. Therefore, I felt that it was time for me to try to write a book that explained colors in a very simple way. This way everyone could start questioning how they are using colors themselves for their best benefit. After all, colors don´t cost in products and many products come in a variety of colors. It makes all the difference when we choose wisely.

6 Categories

To get started, we categorize colors according to their shade and intensity and coolness/warmness or the lack of either.

There are six dominant color characteristics and with a little practice, we can see, which one is in question for each person.

They are:
·       LIGHT
·       DEEP
·       WARM
·       COOL
·       SOFT
·       CLEAR
Each characteristic is equally important and contains all colors:

  •  red
  • blue
  • yellow
  • green, etc. 

Therefore everyone can look and feel good in all colors, provided the shade and intensity matches the shade and intensity of the person wearing the color. That way, all the colors are working in harmony.
In a nutshell: light is the opposite of deep, warm is the opposite of cool and soft is the opposite of clear. A light color can be warm or cool and soft or clear. A deep color can be warm or cool and soft or clear. A warm color can be light or deep and soft or clear. A cool color can be light or deep and soft or clear. A soft color can be light or deep and warm or cool. A clear color can be light or deep and warm or cool.

If you are trying to get ahead in life, one extra step in the right direction towards your goals is to know yourself through colors, because people will look at you in a completely different way, when your total being is harmonious. You have captured your own best look, when people look at you and are wondering why you are looking so good, not quite knowing why. You just are. That makes all the difference.

For those, who are interested in finding out more, I also wrote a 24 page Professional Shopping Guide and you can download it HERE for FREE!

This story is based  my own, personal experience and thoughts. If you have experience in what I´m writing about, I would very much appreciate your comments.
