How to choose colors that make you look like “a million dollars”?

Each of these ladies are looking their best in the red, which enhances their personal coloring, making each one a total package in their own right!

Have you noticed that celebrities manage to look wealthy in anything they wear? Did you know that you can look just as good as they do, once you tap into the same information they know? Anyone can look great using a few rules about colors, when shopping. It is very simple!
Next time you are having a girls´ evening or lunch or any other get together with your friends, have a little questionnaire together to determine, which colors each one of you would look best in.

To start, ask each other in what colors everyone looks great in. It doesn´t matter what you are wearing at the moment. Often people know which colors enhance their own colors but they don´t know ALL of the colors they would look good in. 

If you don´t know where to start, ask yourself:
How would you describe your coloring? If you dye your hair, think what color it is naturally. In our extreme world, we are so used to strong, bright, screaming colors that it can be difficult to be objective about your own colors.

Let´s look at the dominant color characteristics. You can see for yourself, if a person is deep or light in their overall coloring, I´m sure. An example of a deep colored person is the new Dutchess of Sussex, Meghan Markle and an example of a light colored person was Pricess Diana. If you can´t tell whether light or deep colors is more noticeable, think whether the person looks warm or cool.

A person who looks warm has often red hair and freckles whereas a person, who looks cool, has e.g. white hair. An example of cool is Helen Mirren and an example of a warm colored person is Nicole Kidman. 

If you still can´t put your finger on the dominant color characteristic, there is still two more possibilities: soft and clear. The soft colored people´s colors are more in the middle when we think of the intensity of their colors. 

Many people fit into this category. An example of a soft colored person is the Dutchess of Cambridge, Kate Middleton. The clear coloring can be quite challenging to find and it is just as rare as a warm or a light coloring. This person looks like she needs contrast in her coloring and often has deep colored hair and light colored eyes. 

Here is a good example of a lady that looks best in clear colors

I remember that many of my customers, after finding their best colors, started to tell me, why they really need to make sure they are using the colors that enhance their own coloring. 

They were saying things, like:
-        - now I am seen, not just what I´m wearing
-        - I feel like a million dollars
-        - even when I´m wearing very inexpensive clothes, I look like I´m wearing expensive  clothes
-        - I don´t need cupboards full of clothes, less gives me more to wear
-       - I´m saving so much money now!
-        - people are asking me if I lost weight!
-        - people are commenting on how well I look!

These are just a few examples and there is so much more to look forward to when we have found our best colors and started to get our shopping and wardrobes up to date. You will find it will feel so rewarding. You will be in charge. You will always have outfits that work well together and you will feel confident that your look is as great as it can be!

To start to fine tune your wardrobe and shopping, I have written a FREE 24-page Professional Shopping Guide for you. You can get it HERE at no cost.
