How to Replace Black in Your Wardrobe

A SOFT brown in different intensities, is a good neutral staple to build a whole wardrobe on. Make sure you combine other SOFT colors for the best possible impact.


Black. That is a huge word. Let´s look at it from a fashion point of view. 
As long as I can remember, black was IN. It seems that it has been used more than any other color in the fashion scene. In my early days when I started my learning journey in color, I found out that black is a color we really should give much thought to if we want to wear it well. 

Black looks best on people with DEEP coloring or CLEAR coloring although it is much used among fashion people, no matter what their own personal coloring is. It is more like a statement and in that case the person is not even meant to be the first thing that is noticed. This goes also for all the photo shoots, where the clothes are in the forefront and not the model.

Since black has become so popular among people, everyone is wearing it, and I hear often that “I can wear black in the summer”, which means that when they are tanned, they feel that they look better in black. This, of course, is not true.

If you feel that you need to put on more make-up when wearing black, that indicates that black is not one of your best colors that enhance your personal coloring.
To make the people of the world more beautiful, we need to think outside the dictated fashion box.

This is a bit backward thinking, because a long time ago, it used to be inside the box. It was the thing to do and people knew instinctively, which colors feel good and chose them as an extension of themselves.

It is also common for people to think that black goes with everything. That is what we have been told as long as I can remember, and so many people have started to behave as if it was true. 

It is understandable that people want to simplify their every-day lives this way, but these people would benefit much more, if they would take a few minutes to think about their own coloring. Everyone has a “best” neutral color that goes with all their other colors. Everyone does not need black in their everyday life.

Of course there are times, when we all need to be dressed in black. That is a completely different story. Here, I am concentrating on the happier days of our lives, when we can freely choose what we put on and what colors we use.

To put together a workable wardrobe in colors that don´t have black, is just as easy as with black. Let´s say that a person needs SOFT colors. This means that black is too strong for them, especially when used in big pieces of clothing, like jackets or sweaters and blouses that come near the face. We tend to think that black trousers go with everything. 

To make my point, let´s look at the above example of a wardrobe that has been put together with soft colors. These colors look much more interesting on a person with SOFT coloring. 

For some reason, we always want to be something we are not. This time, we will concentrate on what we are, and enhance it to be more of what we are. Once you start testing with your own best colors, you will notice that you will be feeling more confident in every situation. Also when shopping for new pieces of clothing and make-up and everything! The color journey is a very intriguing and rewarding journey. You just have to make a decision that this is what you really want, even though it is always difficult to take the first step in a new direction.

Colors and how they work for us or against us, has not changed in the three decades that I have been working with them. Therefore, it is my pleasure to get you started with my FREE Professional Shopping Guide of 24 pages. You will get some AHAA moments and will be able to take your first step with your friends, or by yourself. The choice is yours. No-one will take that step for you. When I first discovered that there is a system to follow with colors, I didn´t get much support from people around me. That was because they had not yet discovered what I had discovered. Today, the situation is very different and people are looking at colors in a different way than years ago.

You can get your own FREE copy of my Professional Shopping Guide HERE!
