Your Secret Weapon for Self Improvement

Look around you. What colors do you see? Look in the mirror, what colors do you see? Did you know that you are making a strong statement with your colors? And, did you know, that people are attracted to you when your colors are enhancing your own personal colors and vice versa, when not? 
Here we have a DEEP colored girl, who looks best in deep colors, a WARM colored girl, who looks best in warm colors and a COOL colored girl, who looks best in cool colors. All in red. The same goes for blue, green, yellow, etc.

We are so used to seeing colors that many of us seem to have forgotten about the super powers that colors have. 

Colors actually project feelings in us and everyone else. When making the best of the colors you received as a birthday present, you are one step further on your road to success and feeling good.

There is a simple way to find that secret key, which everyone seems to be talking about, but very few are making the best of. Your own personal coloring is the very best tool for you. There is no reason to try to look like someone else!

Nature is the best teacher. Just look at cities and how hard the black pavements and colorless buildings look and how glaring all the city lights are. No wonder people like to dress in black, as if to protect themselves and hide their own beautiful, natural colors. As if those harsh colors are empowering us.

It is time that we started to bring back what has always been. Just like every season in nature has a different coloring, similarly, you have your own personal coloring, which often shifts a bit with age. Today, people are reaching out to better themselves.
A very easy way to start on that journey, is to have a look at yourself in the mirror. Even though you will be looking at the outside ”package”, the end result will have a tremendous effect on your inside as well. You will start to feel more confident and happy when you know that you are put together in the very best colors that bring about your own inner glow.

Take a closer look at what your own coloring is according to the dominant color characteristics, which are:

What color is your (natural) hair, what color are your eyes, what color is your skin? What is the overall coloring? These can be determined by comparing yourself to others. In Scandinavia, there are more LIGHT colored people. In Africa, there are more DEEP colored people. In Great Britain, there are more WARM colored people and so on. Once you start thinking colors this way, the whole world of colors will open up to you. You will be able to use this knowledge for your own good, as well as the good of other people. 

When you have been able to determine your own dominantcolor characteristic, you will know exactly which reds, blues, greens, yellows, browns, grays etc. will bring out the best in you. This means that you will be the center of attention. Not the colors you put on. 

You will always have that special glow that people are wondering about. They will be looking at you in a completely different way, wondering what has happened? Are you in love? Did something extremely wonderful happen to you? Did you just come home from a fabulous holiday? They won´t quite be able to put their finger on it, but they will see that you are looking great. 

When this happens, your colors are doing the work for you. People will listen to you more easily, they will want to be around you, because you have that special glow about you. I know this will happen, because it happened to me years and years ago, when I first started to train in color, and is still happening. I couldn´t think of wearing any colors that do nothing for me.

To get started on this wonderful color journey, I have put together for you a 24-page Professional Shopping Guide and you can get it HERE for free. I would love to hear what you think of it. This is just the beginning, so I wanted to simplify things as much as possible. When you first master the basics, it is easy to learn more.
