Your Color Choices Before and Now

The choice of colors is always yours!

When I was younger and had dark hair, I remember that everyone was dying their hair but somehow I felt that if I color my hair, it would not look good. That seems a bit of a weird thought nowadays, since everyone of every color are doing so many things with their hair and coloring it pink one week, blue the next week and blond the next week. 

Everything is moving so much faster today than it did 20 years ago and I´m not sure it is a good thing. Color was not something anyone paid much attention to before the color revolution based on the four seasons hit us. The approach to looking good was a completely different ball game in those days.

In comparison to today, the difference is, that no one actually had the key to using colors as a way of enhancing your own coloring. Today, the secret is out and people either choose to wear their own best colors or not. 

We have come a long way but now we can see that most celebrities have discovered which colors to use and others just don´t seem to care. Perhaps many people are still not aware that there is a way to look your best at all times when you choose your colors according to what your own colors are. Colors work in the same way as math or music. Today we know that colors are wave lengths and when we say that we like a color, it actually means that the vibrations of the color in question vibrates together with colors that you are attracted to. That often is the range of colors that you personally have. Of course we can “like” many different types of colors, especially when they are “talking with each other” in the same way, thus creating harmony. Color is not in only something we see with our eyes. We can also feel colors vibrate on a different level, although we don´t talk about colors this way. We don´t say that colors are e.g. happy or sad, although that is what colors can and do project. They make us feel. That is how Mother Nature designed it and that is something that will not change. It is how it has always been and will always be. It is not a question of what any of us thinks. There is a bigger system than we can ever imagine. This is just one small part of the bigger picture, I think.
I´m wondering when will the fashion industry start bringing out trends for different color types of people. The colors would look more beautiful and everyone would be able to choose colors that is not just considered beautiful today and dated tomorrow. People would feel better about their purchases and also about spending money. Everyone would know that they are not throwing away money on clothes and other purchases that will be discarded the following season. We could learn to plan for longer than just one season, which is what many people want because life is so busy today.

Our beautiful planet cannot take much more of people´s thoughtless consumption. Having been in the fashion business all my life, I feel that there is much that we can do to help people be happier and still get more out of their daily shopping choices. This system benefits everyone.

Actually, I found that once people are more confident with their color choices, they actually are more confident to buy more without disposing of the goods so quickly. As a result, you will be happy longer with the clothing or anything else, when you can see for yourself that the item enhances your own personal coloring. You will be the center of attention surrounded by all the clothes, make-up, hair color and everything you choose to get for yourself. It is a win-win situation.

To start out with, you need to know a few facts of how colors work. You don´t need to know it all. Actually it is impossible to know everything about everything. Therefore, we can start to look at colors in such a way that we will not have to wonder, whether the color is a good one for you or not.
When you look at colors, think if the color is DEEP, is it LIGHT, is it CLEAR, is it SOFT, is it COOL or is it WARM. It can actually be DEEP and SOFT, or LIGHT and WARM, or COOL and CLEAR and so on. You can take any one of these six dominant characteristics, and see one, two or three of them in one piece of clothing or make-up, furniture or anything. Get to know colors according to these six alternatives. At first, it will be quite a challenge, but as you keep practicing, you will get better at it. I promise.

To learn more, go to my pages and get your own little system by downloading the FREE PROFESSIONAL SHOPPING GUIDE, to help you to get your personal shopping to the next level. 

Let me know if you need help. I will be happy to explain further. There is so much to learn but once you have your foot in the door of color, your life will be much more enjoyable!
