6 Steps to Find your Best Colors

Less is more, when you know your colors
When you buy something new, you really would like to find the best colors in everything you choose. After all, what you wear and use, are an extension of yourself - the inner you, that wants to look best and project the best impression to the world.

If you want to disguise yourself and be someone else than you really are, that of course, is another matter, and if that is what you want, that is ok too. Most of us, however, want to bring out the best in us and give an impression that pleases the eye - our own eye, as well at the eyes of those around us and those, who we come into contact with.

Shopping is not always easy, especially since the lighting in many shops is not the best for looking at all the difference in colors. That is what we are all up against. 

Everyone can look great in red, but not in all reds, everyone can look great in blue, but not in all blues and so it goes on with each and every color. Before going shopping, try to determine which colors you are looking for and which ones you are trying to stay away from. If possible, take with you some piece of clothing that you already have and like, so that you can compare that with what you are thinking of buying. The decision is easier, when you have something to compare the colors to.

Before doing anything else, have a look at www.coloraija.com and read a bit on different shades and intensities of color and how it makes a difference on what colors go well with people of different coloring. Everyone has beautiful colors. We just need to find out which beautiful colors are our own so that we can choose everything else to look like an extension of the colors we already have.

The 6 Steps:

No. 1            
Go to www.coloraija.com and have a look at the 6 color pie charts. One color pie represents the colors of a person with the same distinct coloring as in the color pie. The choices are: LIGHT, DEEP, WARM, COOL, SOFT and CLEAR. There are all the same colors in the pies – only the shade and intensity varies.

No. 2
Take a look at yourself in the mirror and write down, what colors you see. What color is your hair, what color is your skin, what color are your eyes and try to put each one into one of the six categories.

No. 3
Talk to a friend (who is not color blind) and ask her/his opinion on what they think and on how you have rated your colors. Do they agree or do they think otherwise. We are talking about the natural colors you were born with. The coloring of most people change as they get older.  If you have dyed your hair, then try to think of the real color.

No. 4
If you are not sure of which dominant color characteristic would resonate best with your own coloring, then choose two pies. It will be easier to have a wider range of colors to choose from, when you are starting out.

No. 5
Black is a color most people like nowadays. Unfortunately it is a very difficult color to look great in due to its intense color. It demands attention on its own.  If you are a blond or a redhead, and want to wear black successfully, you need to put on a lot of make-up, because otherwise,  the black will overpower you and everyone will either see a person, who looks like they are going to a funeral or to a Halloween party. Well, maybe that is a bit of an over statement, since we are in period of time, where everyone is wearing black, because so many think it is a safe color to wear “because it goes with everything”, although that is not true. Have an honest look in the mirror and wear black without make-up and see if you have that inner glow or not. That will tell you whether black is something you should invest your money in or not.

No. 6
When you have chosen one or two of the color pies that you like and/or think are your best colors, then it is time to pick a color or two out of those color pies and try to match them with the colors in your closet. Wear them and see what happens. Are you getting positive comments and admiring looks or not? Then try a couple of the other colors. Then see, if you get better comments.

This way you can test which colors work with or against you by using the trial and error method, in a controlled way instead of wearing just any old color. By taking one color pie at a time and testing the colors on yourself will teach you quite a bit and help you get on the right color path with future purchases.

To help you get a glimpse of the bigger picture instead of just looking at the color pies, please have a look at this little CHEAT SHEET, I put together for you. It is completely FREE without obligations. Good luck!
